Elnorra (3)- Little Miss America who was so used to people telling her how cute she was and taking her picture (it is an Asian thing) has adjusted well. First she and Dilly were the only little ones at camp and now is just one of the other cute white kids here in Green Valley. She loves to “play other kids” and is becoming a better communicator everyday. She has always been a good communicator, but now her words and phrases are starting to catch up with her body language and signals. One day in December she called her Grandee (Windy’s mom- DD) and said (without prompting) “Grandee come my house, tea party right now” and Grandee said she’d come in 10 minutes and then Elnorra said “OK Grandee see soon.” We then proceeded to have a delightful tea party on the floor in the kitchen on the play table that came home from Taiwan, with the ceramic tea set from her Cousin Kelsey, and treats served on her great-grandma’s Christmas serving tray. After the tea party she told her Grandee the story of Pinocchio (somehow this word doesn’t get pronounced correctly, but it’s definitely her noun-“Noke-el-ly”) who is a “bad boy no school” and who “lost him baba” (Chinese for dad) and “finds him baba” and then his “fairy mommy” turns him into a real boy. Her catch phrase in February was “Actually it’s being difficult for me”. In March she said “no touch that is dangerous!” when mom went to use something out of the medicine cabinet. She does quite well with being polite with reminders and says “thanks” a lot. She has her temper tantrums when she doesn’t get an adult portion (or greater) of food, especially dessert, and says “don’t make it little for me.” She is a happy kid who loves to play and make as many friends as she can.
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