Dear friends and family, 17 March 2008
Happy holidays! Thanksgiving hit us upside the head while in the middle of moving, Christmas came and went, then we had Windy’s and Elnorra’s birthdays, Valentine’s Day snuck by so we now have the joy of sending a Saint Patrick’s Day newsletter! How does life stay so busy and time fly by? Mostly by enjoying the days with small kids and counting it a victory if the house is half clean before collapsing into bed. What a busy and eventful time we have had since our last newsletter. First we will start with our updated contact information and then take you on a tour of our year.
The Shaffer Family
Ben, Windy, Elnorra and Cordelia
1091 West Beta Street #512zero
Green Valley, AZ 85614-4873
Our new phone numbers are:
(520) 300-6823 home
(520) 203-2328 Ben’s cell
(928) 774-8442 Windy’s cell (anybody recognize this? *wink*)
(888) 77three-zero104 toll-free (rings to Windy’s cell)
We hope that Windy’s cell will be a permanent contact number
Our relatively new e-mail address is: BenandWindy at
All other e-mail accounts have ceased to function so please verify that you have the Gmail account in your records.
We have also updated and revamped our web log ( and it now has “feeds” so that you can sign up and be contacted when we update our blog.
Happy holidays! Thanksgiving hit us upside the head while in the middle of moving, Christmas came and went, then we had Windy’s and Elnorra’s birthdays, Valentine’s Day snuck by so we now have the joy of sending a Saint Patrick’s Day newsletter! How does life stay so busy and time fly by? Mostly by enjoying the days with small kids and counting it a victory if the house is half clean before collapsing into bed. What a busy and eventful time we have had since our last newsletter. First we will start with our updated contact information and then take you on a tour of our year.
The Shaffer Family
Ben, Windy, Elnorra and Cordelia
1091 West Beta Street #512zero
Green Valley, AZ 85614-4873
Our new phone numbers are:
(520) 300-6823 home
(520) 203-2328 Ben’s cell
(928) 774-8442 Windy’s cell (anybody recognize this? *wink*)
(888) 77three-zero104 toll-free (rings to Windy’s cell)
We hope that Windy’s cell will be a permanent contact number
Our relatively new e-mail address is: BenandWindy at
All other e-mail accounts have ceased to function so please verify that you have the Gmail account in your records.
We have also updated and revamped our web log ( and it now has “feeds” so that you can sign up and be contacted when we update our blog.